Post Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss is a difficult process, whether done with exercise, diet or surgery. Significant weight loss is to be celebrated and you should be proud of yourself! With weight loss can come problematic excess skin. This skin can be hidden under clothing and body smoothers, but it’s still a problem in the end, and can cause health issues from chafing and even odor related to bacteria trapped in skin folds. drName can help you get rid of this excess skin and help you feel only the excitement of your recent weight loss, not the regret of unsightly sagging skin.
When Should You Have Surgery
Weight can fluctuate, especially if you’ve only recently lost it. drName recommends that you maintain a stable weight for a minimum of six months. If you still have weight to lose, consider putting off the surgery, as having it before you complete your weight loss journey can simply recreate the issue. Prior to surgery, drName will check your bloodwork to look for low iron that could lead to anemia, or the indication of any malabsorption issues that could affect your healing. Your emotional health and your overall physical condition is considered. A healthy mind and body, along with realistic expectations for surgical results is essential for good weight loss surgery results. Being physically and mentally fit can aid in a successful surgery, minimize complications and speed your recovery significantly
drName will help you determine whether or not you should have one surgery or multiple surgeries. Your particular health and surgical needs will be evaluated to determine the safest surgical plan to provide optimal results. drName will let you know if multiple procedures during one surgery is safe for you. As you move forward with your post-weight loss surgery, drName will help you make the decisions that will give you the best results to achieve your immediate skin-removal goals.